State Chairman, Don Ayotte Delivers Opening Address
Wolf von Baumgart
Secretary General.
Steven Washington is Nominated as the IPoD 2016 Wilmington Mayoral Candidate. [ Photos: Sue Ayotte ]
**** State CONVENTION 2016****
The Independent Alternative
Keynote of the 3/12/2016 Independent Party of Delaware State Convention – Dover, DE
On August 29, 2000 in the City of Wilmington, a new post-political force was born to challenge the corrupt closed-loop special interest controlled two-party monopoly currently misruling the First State.
WE are not called the INDEPENDENT PARTY of DELAWARE for nothing. Our mission is to help the People of Delaware restore
the American Spirit --- the Spirit of Freedom, the Spirit of Liberty, the Spirit of INDEPENDENCE, the Spirit of Creativity, the Spirit of Innovation, the Spirit of Prosperity, the Spirit of the Spirit of Exploration, The Spirit of Adventure and the Spirit of Action. Even just a passing look at the shape that America is in currently in tells us that we have a lot of work to do. The so-called “two-party” system
has failed as it limited our options and narrowed our choices.
Politics has been defined as the art of persuasion. Under the Democrats and Republicans, it has been perverted into the art of manipulation and coercion. Public corruption, incompetence and government mismanagement are rampant. Our economy, once the
envy of the world, is failing. WE now face a financial house of cards and a crushing National Debt, soon to exceed 20 trillion dollars when the current Administration leaves office.
A shadow has been cast over the land --- the shadow of creeping Tyranny with its increasing burden of runamuck bureaucracy
and a culture of waste, fraud and abuse at public expense. The People, laboring under the pretensions of the two parties, have
virtually lost control over their government at all levels (national, state and local) to powerful special interests. Freedom itself is at
peril. This is only merely unacceptable … It is totally unconscionable and unsustainable!
The American People are sick and tired of politics as usual – the politics of lies, duplicity, distortion and propaganda.
The system is broken. WE need a better way to chart a better future. WE demand commonsense solutions to our common problems, rational dialogue instead of rhetoric and constructive action in place of negative advertising. WE demand government in
favor the Public Interest instead of special interests. WE both demand and work to provide new Leadership for the 21st Century –
a true paradigm and power shift for the People.
Instead of politically controlling people, the IPoD frees people from artificial constraints. Instead of intellectually confining people,
the IPoD encourages its members to rise to their highest human potential. Instead of preconceived ideology, WE prefer creativity.
The challenge ahead of us is immense. The road is long and hard. Vision, courage and endurance are required.
The same qualities that built America are the same qualities that will rebuild America. The First State to ratify the Constitution
should be the First State to rejuvenate the Constitution and restore the balance of power in favor of the PEOPLE instead of the
politicians. That is why we are here and that is why this speech is short.
WE cordially invite you to join us on the cutting edge in our quest for true progress. Together, we can and will prevail. .
Chairman Don Ayotte introduces Keynote Speaker, Secretary General Wolf von Baumgart (left) as IPoD State Secretary, Glenn Miller reflects (right)
(c.) (p.) 2016 Independent Party of Delaware (All Rights Reserved)
Official Website.
People Making Policy
(302) 988-4050